
For Every Action, There Is an Equal and Opposite...

Vlog follow-up. Anthony came home from his business trip tonight. As I stated in my Vlog entry, I had to organize my closet to film in there. This involved sorting my things from their moving boxes into giant piles all over our room and the guest room to be put away. I also hung items around the house for consideration for the box swap. (Don't forget to enter!) Here's how it went down when Anthony got home.

Me: Hey, honey! I missed you!

Hoosband: What HAPPENED in here?!

Me: Well, I started a lot of projects while you were gone. I didn't finish a lot of projects while you were gone.

Hoosband: How did this happen?! There is stuff everywhere! What did you do?

Me: I cleaned out my closet. It's really lovely in there.

(leads husband to view my mad organizational skills)

Hoosband: Are those the @#$%ing shelves you threw a fit over?

Me: hmm? No, I don't think so.

Hoosband: (mocking voice and wild exasperated gesticulations) "You don't listen to me. You don't understand me," you said! Now you have your little scarves all over them!

Me: Miiiiised you (kissy face) You've been wanting me to sort out my closet. Doesn't it look swell?

Hoosband: I mean, theoretically it's clean, but WHAT about all of that stuff out there?! What's going to happen to all of it?

Me: Missed you. (kissy face)

The amazing thing about this picture is that I took one, split-second look at it and thought, "Whoa! I need to get safety plugs back in that outlet." That's what I thought was dangerous. Not the towering mountain of clothing that could collapse at any moment and maim the Nugget.
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