Bangs by the greatest hair dresser I've ever had
Bangs I cut myself later that same year. Oh yeah, I think that color was my late night handy work, too.
Bang trims are FREE.99 at your stylist, people.
Friends don't let friends cut their own bangs.
I looked like I had a bowl cut.
Luckily I didn't get there. These crazy nights are safer when you have a sleeping baby. Then you, deep down, know better than to make a sound over four decibels for fear of your crazy night becoming a crazy, fretful night What I did do was go crazy on my blog layout. I got it in my head that I could make a blog banner with Photoshop. People, I can no more work Photoshop than I can fly a Black Hawk helicopter. Usually, my awesome friend takes pity on my lack of skills and makes fantastical banners for me. She's Tabatha Coffey and I'm the dork cutting my own bangs (technologically speaking.)
I also got it in my head (around 3am) that my side bar was too cluttered and tidied everything away into the little page buttons. Now, there are just non-fancy buttons on one side of the Newsfeed, and things are all very tidy and well kept... but I'm not sure that I haven't stripped my blog of it's personality. I don't even have cool buttons because I have no clue how to start down that road. Also, I don't know how to link the buttons (html -wise) directly to the thing someone might be seeking, so one has to click twice to follow the Newsfeed in other mediums or check out my awesome blog roll.
I need your advice. Better before? Better now? Give it to me straight.